A real-life review of
The Frye Company

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FactualReviews Member ID:IA10112

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The Frye Company does sell a lot of products and I am giving my review of their men's and women's boots only. Their other products are likely equally fantastic but I am giving my review on those two items as I have direct experience with them.

To start out with a blanket statement about their boots: they are fantastic. I've worn their boots since the 1980's and to this day still have some I purchased 25 years ago. The quality of the leather they use along with the type of thread they use to close their seams is tough as nails. I wore them while working in the forest to do extensive tree work and they have never failed me.

Sure, all leather boots are tough but Frye seems to go a step higher in quality. I've had some "store bought boots" (non brand name) which lasted a year, tops, and wound up leaking water in from the side seams the first rainy season. The Frye boots have never had issues when exposed to water (working in the rain, not in ponds or streams) and remain dry throughout the day. The softness of the leather makes the break-in period almost seem like you've already been wearing them for months.

I determine quality of a boot based on two things. 1) The sewing/stitching, and 2) The softness and durability of the leather.

STITCHING: Frye boots seem to use some type of extremely durable thread because even after years of use where I've dropped hundred-pound-rounds (logs) on the side of the boot, the seams never open. Some other non-Frye boots I've owned managed to tear loose after a few hits to the side seams. The stitching and thread type is also noticable because it holds its dye quite well. Anyone that has worn work boots or even dress boots knows that the thread can change color or fade over time, but Frye thread seems to hold its color for a very long time. Also, the stitching of the inside of the boot does not stand out and rub against your foot which can cause irritation. All in all the stitching is top notch.

LEATHER: I have both Frye dress boots and work boots and have owned some of them for decades. The quality of the leather is superb and the dye used to color the boots runs deep into the hide so a scuff or ding to the boot won't stand out. Yes, having the occasional mark on the boot from a hit to the leather can look nice because the "worn in look" is always attractive. The break-in period for both Frye work and dress boots is not long at all. The work boots are essentially zero-day which means there really is no break in period. They are comfortable from the first day you put them on. The dress boot break-in period depends on the type of material used. Original cowhide is essentially broken-in already but fancier boots (alligator, lizard, etc) feel great on the first day but turn soft as butter over a few weeks of wear. Alligator boots seem to take a little longer to break in, simliar with most "exotics." But Frye chooses the best of the best for skins and quality.


Their website is simple to use, easy as heck to order from, and returns seem pretty straightforward (I've never had to return anyting, so I can't speak on the return process). I've found they always have my size in stock and it takes about 3 days to get the boots. The follow-up order confirmations are superb so you know what stage your order is in (order received, in-processing, shipped, etc.).


The Frye Company has much more than just boots. I'm only speaking about the quality of their boots, but, if that's any measure of their overall quality, I'd say it's a safe bet that their entire product line is very high quality. The company has been around for long enough to know how to "do it right" and they do. Quality products are hard to find these days so when you find something as good as Frye, you stick with them. I highly recommend The Frye Company.

Visit The Frye Company


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